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Book 1 of The Song of Akamoth is available now.

Book 2 to be released Winter 2024.
Book 3 and 4 are in development.

indigo moth with yellow eyes on wings flying towards a cosmic mouth


This book is about the Moths, a kindred coven of sisters who built a commune among the rural hills of the high tech island of Elengen. One of them taps into the islands ancient technology to make a play for immortality while keeping her plans secret from her sisters.


As exciting as that Moth’s story is, with all the world changing effects she incurs. This book is really about Yuza, the humblest Moth who is more worried about her garden, longer summers, community maintenance, and about her teenage son training to become a Manticore bio-warrior in the shadow of Elengen’s ancient Patriarch.


During one year of upheaval Elengen decomposes and is reborn through the wonders of synthetic mycology and quantum computing. But, like most people living in a fast paced world, how often can anyone ever say they know what is going on beyond their own eyes and ears?


The Moths of Elengen is the story of Yuza Moth and her family during the transition into a Post-Human era. All written in a journal to her imaginary daughter, who is the firstborn of a new generation.


Soldiers, super soldiers, engineers, mothers, teachers, radio operators, gardeners and the legacies of emotional scars with ancient roots all compose The Moths of Elengen.

A vision for a new kind of Earth...

I've been working on the story world of the characters introduced in "The Moths of Elengen" since 2010. I produced one short film called "Spryaig" over 2017-2020, which featured some of the elements of this story world for the first time. "The Moths of Elengen" is the proper introduction to the world of Akamoth.

I've spent these past 15 years trying to understand reality since there does not seem to be a consensus about what it is or why it works in the ways that it does. Rather than ask: why are we here and what's it all for? I instead ask, what is the function of this form and who or what benefits  from this relationship? This led me to an understanding that microorganisms are the key to life systems: fungi, archaea, bacteria, protists and bacteriophages. Which is to say—all life comes from death or entropy—without decomposers none of the life cycles would work. There is a sobering truth to this harsh reality. Life feeds on life, and yet humans have this wonderful ability to recognize Beauty. This contrast fascinates me. All life depends on that which bides its time to break it down and turn it into some new kind of matter, without any seeming concern for what its doing. Everything is food!

And yet we have pyramids, cities, social movements and organized work crews, asymmetrical warfare, quantum computers, super colliders and the Internet of Things allowing all forms of life to interact in ways unheard of in any other known era of Earth's history.

Science-fiction has to look to the future and in that future there will be a Post-Human world. These are what evolved from what had been human—not necessarily superhuman though. This is a vision I had in 2010 of a possible future for the evolution of consciousness through humanity, nature, and artificial intelligence fusing into a new kind of Earth. Which in my books is called Akamoth.


Akamoth Media Timeline

Book 1: (Available now) The Moths of Elengen takes place in 1991 on the Island of Elengen. Yuza Moth journals and her son Yal Moth sends her letters during the Amraken invasion of Elengen.

Book 3 (In development) Takes place in 2008 and follows a new generation of Amraken-Elengen culture in the city of Neo-Babylon. The weights of generational trauma weigh down everyone. The deposed Tyrant's sons, Spryaig and Dio, are pressured to step into their Father's place to restore a patriarchal society. The former majority group lives in terror of Zoe Moth who protects the island with a mutating deterrent. Break her laws and be decomposed. These tensions are brought to the forefront of Yuza's daughter Aktaly Moth who just wants to play music with her friends.

Short film 1: Spryaig occurs in 2010 and follows Spryaig Moth sacrifices everything to build a Bio-Organic Computer and demonstrate it to an occult group of technocrats which include his own mother Bastet Moth.

Short film 2: Mr. Moon follows Spryaig's assistant in 2010 as he struggles to free himself and his son from the technocratic control of Bastet Moth over him and his own son Thomosz.

Book 2: (To be released Fall 2024) is a companion novel to The Moths of Elengen. It follows Zoe Moth, the sister of Yuza Moth, as she reflects on her life from 1976-1991. After the Amraken invasion, Zoe has deposed a tyrant and ensured a new status quo of peace and safety for women on Elengen. This comes at a cost of Zoe's humanity and countless lives to break a cycle of exploitation older than humankind itself. Can she maintain this new status quo, or will she mutate into a new tyrant?

Myth: The Song of Akamoth is included in Book 2 and is the mythological narrative which underpins the culture on Elengen.

Book 4: (In development) Takes place in over 2010-2020 as Aktaly Moth becomes a Composer of her own music in Neo-Babylon. Nature has evolved, the systems and machines of humanity are no longer theirs to control. Aktaly uses her music to keep the human spirit sustained as a bio-mechanical hellscape mutates into a living city where there is no line between anyone or anything. And Spryaig, positions himself as humanities only hope as he seeks to rejuvenate the Old Tyrant of Elengen and use discord to reestablish humanities's dominance.


Spryaig is a science-fiction short film produced over 2017-2020 and released online in 2020. It's primary inspiration was the David Cronenberg film, "The Fly" starring Jeff Goldbloom.


The original plan for this film was to use it to launch a web based story of film scenes then serial fiction then film scenes etc...but this was too ambitious of a goal. This is part of why there are several perception shifts at the start of the film. What is here to view was an effort at putting the footage together into one single film when it wasn't meant to be one single film.


Opening scene flashback, then present time, then flashback, then present time for the rest of the film.


The Spryaig short film shows a tragic arc and rise of the villain Spryaig Moth. He is a technocratic accelerationist who believes any sacrifice is necessary to progress toward a Post-Human world state. He envisions a new status quo where Organoid Computers as carbon based Artificial intelligence are able to supersede the use of silicone based Artificial Intelligence.


Personally, Spryaig is among the most despicable characters of the Akamoth story world. The ending of this short film is meant to be ironic, he does horrible things, gets imprisoned, and then gets released to continue his research. The intent here is to leave the viewer with a sense of injustice and disgust and a desire to see him face the consequences for his actions as he deserves.


That sentiment was to carry through into the third  and fourth novel of the Akamoth series where Spryaig becomes the primary antagonist against the protagonist Aktaly who has to come to terms with not being able to seek justice for what Spryaig did to Remus. Instead she is tries to express how his bold visions will spell doom for anyone in his way.


Below is the film as it currently exists. There is one other short film that will come out later.

The film is what it is. Skip the opening scene if needles make you uncomfortable.

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